

For the past 45 years, the Islamic Republic has tried in various ways to profit from Iranians' desperation and find new means to ensure its survival. There's no doubt that our Iran is currently mired in widespread economic, social, and environmental crises. Many activists are in prisons, facing execution or long-term sentences. Many protesters and dissidents have lost their precious lives in various atrocities. Numerous families have been left in lifelong mourning, and many seeking justice are also imprisoned. Teachers, workers, students, and protesting artists face constant suppression in prisons, homes, and exile. Many have encountered severe illnesses following their arrests.
At the depths of these crises, rights violations, and crimes, the Islamic Republic is engaged in the farce of voting and selecting Ali Khamenei's next operative. Not just us, but an entire Iran has moved beyond the Islamic Republic regime. We echo the words of students and many civil organizations in Iran: We have nothing to say to you except one word - No.
No to archaic laws
No to poverty
No to longing for an ordinary life
No to systematic corruption
No to brain drain
No to oppression
No to discrimination
No to hollow slogans
No to execution
No to mandatory hijab
No to gender apartheid
No to the prohibition of free speech
No to forced confessions
No to sham elections
No to dictatorship
No to the Islamic Republic
We have no interest in the regime's bloody charade. We fight for freedom, democracy, and justice, and our dreams will be realized only when the Islamic Republic regime no longer exists. We neither forget nor forgive the killers of Iran's children.
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