
For The Right To Live

The Islamic Republic regime has once again targeted the right to life of activists in Iran. This authoritarian rule continues to use death sentences as a method of instilling fear.
Last week, Reza Rasaei was executed without the right to a fair trial, based on a confession that, according to his cellmates, was extracted under torture. Pakhshan Azizi, a women’s rights activist, Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist, and dozens of other political and ideological prisoners are now facing death sentences.
Pakhshan is a social worker who focuses on women’s and children’s issues. She has collaborated with women’s associations in Syria to assist war refugee camps. Sharifeh, a labor activist, has been charged with the baseless accusation of insurrection. Reports indicate that she has been severely tortured to force a confession against herself. In all these cases, the violation of transparent and fair judicial principles has led to medieval-like sentences.
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose these politically motivated death sentences as state-sanctioned murder. In support of the demands of the women imprisoned in Evin, Lakan, and Shiraz prisons, we call for the following:
1. The immediate unconditional revocation of the death sentences for Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakhsan Azizi.
2. The abolition of the death penalty in Iran.
3. The release of all prisoners of conscience in Iran.