
United Against Execution in Iran 2023

The Islamic Regime in Iran has once again executed two Iranian citizens, Mohammad Ghobadlou, aged 23, and Farhad Salimi, aged 47. Even according to the regime’s own medieval laws, their sentences had been overturned by the Supreme Court. However, corrupted and criminal judges have paved their path to power on the precious lives of these individuals, ordering their execution to sustain the regime on a torrent of blood, heedless of the repercussions of such gross injustice. This is not an isolated incident, and it will not be the last, as long as the world remains silent. Since its inception, this regime has marked its disgraceful existence with public executions, starting on the rooftops of Refah School and the mass executions during the 1980s, sending thousands of precious lives to the gallows. Repeatedly, the global community has witnessed the courageous uprisings of the Iranian people, striving for justice and liberation from the grip of religious tyranny. In the latest chapter of this struggle, the world has heard our outcry in the name of Woman, Life, and Freedom. Yet, each time, in the face of collective will of the Iranians, the international response has been one of passivity and complicity with the executioners, leading Iranians to question whether human rights are merely a manipulative and political tool for governments. The people of Iran, however, refuse to endure this situation any longer. Currently, courageous women imprisoned in Tehran’s Evin Prison, leaders in the quest for justice, have deployed their final resources in a hunger strike. They protest the execution of fellow citizens and all forms of state-sanctioned killing. Men and women of integrity, both within and outside the prison, have joined this collective action. The world must hear this resounding voice, and we are committed to ensuring it reaches the ears of politicians and citizens globally. What do we demand? 1. We call on governments worldwide to exert pressure on the regime to immediately halt these inhumane and unjust death sentences in Iran, starting with the expulsion of their ambassadors and associates. 2. We demand that global leaders impose sanctions on Ali Khamenei, Ebrahim Raisi, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, and the judges responsible for these death sentences, as well as other human rights violators in Iran, and bar them and their relatives from entering the free countries. 3. We petition the European Union and all democratic states to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation, reflecting its true nature. 4. As Ms. Al Nashif, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, prepares for her visit to Iran, we implore her either to cancel this trip or to use it as an opportunity to stand with the brave women of Iran in rejecting mandatory hijab. Rather than engaging with the regime’s officials, we urge her to visit Iranian prisons and listen to the voices of prisoners of conscience. We, the civil activists outside Iran, extend our deepest solidarity and empathy to the families in mourning, particularly those of Mohammad Ghobadlou and Farhad Salimi. We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to combating injustice. We express our support for the brave and conscientious women in Evin Prison and all activists participating in the hunger strike, vowing to persist until the perpetrators and commanders of these atrocities are brought to justice, the downfall of the regime is achieved, and liberty and democracy are established in Iran. We will never forget nor forgive those who have slain the children of Iran.